Have you heard the expression, “Live a little?” Well, this list will help you live a lot. You can miss one or two items on this list and still live a full life. However, most of these things are components of an interesting life, one that is worth talking about to your friends, family and even writing a memoir about. Most of us have tried most of these once, but it is worth reflecting on and cherishing these experiences and realizing the value they contribute.
Fall In Love
We all fall in love, right? Actually, that wasn’t true through most of human history. At the very least, people often didn’t end up with the people they loved and had to be satisfied with whomever their parents wanted them to marry.
Love and permanent partnership is a relatively new phenomenon in human history. Even if your love doesn’t last forever, the memories are likely to, if the feelings were truly deep. It may be better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Although if love ends, it ends with a broken heart, as the years go by, most people are glad that they had the experience.
Take a Dream Vacation
We all have a dream vacation. It may be to the pyramids of Egypt, a safari in Africa or Paris. So, make plans to ensure you go to the place of your dreams. Most of us feel we can’t afford it, have too many responsibilities and no time. Make plans and you realize that it well may be achievable.
For instance, if you forego that expensive latte you buy before work, you will have enough for a cruise after a year! Or you will at least have enough for a airline ticket and maybe a week in hostels. Go off-season to save money, let the kids stay with their grandparents, but make plans to ensure your trip is a reality. You will be glad you did.
Live Alone
Human beings are social animals, but it is also important to perfect the art of solitude. It is also essential to learn to do things yourself, from paying rent, fixing your sink or mending your shirt. Not having someone to lean on at each moment of your life can teach you to be self-reliant. In addition, coming home to peace and quiet can be calming. When your life speeds up with marriage and kids, you may remember those quiet afternoons on your own fondly.
Have a Pet
People who don’t know what it is like to adore a furry or feathery creature may be missing something. We usually prioritize our relationships with human beings, but the friendship we have with our cat, dog, bird or rabbit is different than the way we connect with bipeds. We don’t overthink these relationships unless we want to. There are no arguments unless we imagine them. There is an instinctive connection and a sweet simplicity that makes having a pet worthwhile.
Fail at Something
Failure is not something we usually set out to do, but we can certainly learn something from it. It may seem like a cliche, but failure is often a step on the road to success. Even if we don’t continue in a certain pursuit after an initial failure, we can at least understand that failure is survivable. Whether it means getting fired from a job, a failed marriage, bankruptcy or not getting a part in a Broadway show, it isn’t something we strive for, but when it happens, we can appreciate the fact that we survived it.
Create Something Unique
We all have talent and that talent can be used to make something that has never existed before. Whether it is knitting an unusual pair of socks, writing poetry, inventing an app, or starting a band, there is some way you can leave your fingerprint on the world. Whatever you do, it doesn’t have to be big, but it just has to be yours and expresses your individuality.
Learn a Language
There is a reason that many schools have a foreign language requirement. Even if people are raised in an English-speaking country, and even though people around the world speak English, learning a new language gives you a new pair of eyes through which to perceive the world. It is hard to truly and deeply experience another culture without learning its language.
Education experts have shown that learning a language at an early age can contribute to brain development, linguistic mastery, and empathy. Although it is easier to learn a second language young, if you are not in primary school, you can still benefit from learning a second language and open a door to a new world.
These seven things will enrich your life and will provide you with experiences that will open doors and help you understand and appreciate life more. You probably have done at least a few of them already, but now work on those items on the list that you have yet to tackle.
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