Springtime is a great time of year for you and your pets to enjoy the fresh outdoor air, but the season also poses some risks for pets. By taking the following precautions, you’ll have an easier time keeping your beloved pets safe throughout the spring season.
1. Install Window Screens
If any of the windows in your home don’t already have screens, you should install safety screens. By having these screens securely in place, you’ll be able to open your windows to let in the fresh spring air without having to worry about any of your pets jumping or falling out of the windows.
2. Prevent Overheating
Temperatures can sometimes rise to hot levels during the spring, and this is especially true as you get closer to summer. To prevent heatstroke and other heat-related problems that can affect pets, it’s important that you provide enough water and never leave your pets alone in a vehicle on hot days.
3. Ensure Vaccines Are Up to Date
When pets go outdoors more often in the spring, they have a greater chance of interacting with other people’s pets. One of the best ways to prevent any communicable pet diseases is to visit your veterinarian and make sure that all your pets are up to date on their vaccines.
4. Reduce Chemical Exposure
Spring is often the season for cleaning and gardening, but many household cleaners, outdoor fertilizers, and pesticides contain chemicals that may be harmful to pets. You can reduce chemical exposure and help your pets stay safe by using products that contain fewer hazardous agents and storing chemical-based cleaners and gardening products in areas where pets can’t access them.
5. Be Diligent About Flea and Tick Prevention
When pets are enjoying the warmer springtime weather outdoors, they’re more prone to picking up the fleas and ticks that can bite animals and cause a variety of other health problems. Flea collars and other flea and tick prevention products should be used regularly to keep your pets safe from these harmful pests.
6. Prevent or Treat Allergic Reactions
Springtime allergies don’t just affect people…your pets may be prone to seasonal allergies as well. Allergy medications that are safe for pets may need to be given to prevent or treat any allergy symptoms. You can also decrease the chances of allergic reactions by cleaning your home and washing your pets’ bedding regularly.
7. Avoid Toxic Plants
If you plan to do any planting outdoors or add new plants to the inside of your home this spring, you should avoid getting any plants that are known to be toxic to pets. Azaleas, lilies, and rhododendrons are among the most dangerous plants for certain pets. Daffodil and tulip bulbs can also be harmful to pets.
8. Be Careful with Chocolate
Chocolate treats are often given as gifts for Easter, Mother’s Day, and other springtime holidays that many people celebrate. This tasty treat, however, can be very harmful to dogs and cats, so it’s important that you keep any chocolate treats out of reach for your pets. You should also check your floors regularly to look for any chocolate pieces that may have been dropped.
A great way to show love for your pets is by keeping them safe this spring. If you do everything that’s necessary to keep your pets out of harm’s way, your pets will have a better chance of living a longer life.
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