Most people make the majority of their purchases online, through an app, or with a debit or credit card in person. Most bills are also paid online. Because of these factors, it may seem unnecessary to have a checkbook. In reality, though, there are eight solid reasons why it makes sense to have access to a checkbook.
1- For Record Keeping
A check leaves a paper trail. When you pay cash for something, you may be given a receipt. However, even if you are given a receipt, you may lose it. With a check, your bank may make the full check visible to you through your online dashboard. If you need to prove payment, a check works much better than cash.
2- In an Emergency
Many people believe that they do not need a checkbook until they are faced with an urgent situation. This may be when you do not have cash on hand and a specific vendor will not accept a check. While these situations are few and far between, the ability to make a payment at these times is crucial.
3- If Your Wallet is Stolen
When your wallet is stolen, your bank will cancel your debit card. The same holds true for your credit card companies. It may take several days and even up to a week to get new cards. In the meantime, you may need to buy groceries and pay bills. A checkbook gives you a convenient way to pay for the essentials.
4- If Your Card is Lost
From time to time, people misplace their debit cards. They may leave them behind at a store, for example. You do not have to walk out on a purchase you are about to make to hunt down your debit card when you can write a check.
5- When Technology Is Down
At times, various companies, stores, and other venues will lose access to their credit card processing service. This may be because of an issue with the internet service, electricity, or a technical issue at the credit card processing company. A checkbook gives you a non-tech alternative to pay at these times.
6- To Avoid Fees
Credit card processing services charge a fee to the store or vendor for each transaction. In some cases, the store or vendor will pass that fee on to you, such as by charging an additional fee for credit and debit transactions. You can skip this fee by writing a check.
7- To Pay Small Vendors
When you go to festivals, farmers’ markets, and other venues with small vendors, you may come across a few vendors that do not take debit and credit cards. Rather than simply walking away from something that you want to buy, you could write a check. It can also help you avoid having to hunt down an ATM to make a cash withdrawal and pay ATM fees.
8- To Pay Bills by Mail
Most companies that send a bill to you by mail do allow you to pay online or by phone. Some, however, do not. You could run down to your bank branch to get a cashier’s check. If you have a checkbook, you can save yourself this trip.
Checkbooks may not be used as often as they once were, but they are still relevant. If you do not have a checkbook, it makes sense to order one and prepare yourself for these potential situations.
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