You can do almost anything on YouTube. If you want to listen to your favorite song, hear a new angle on a news story, watch cats doing funny things, and even learn something, whatever you need is right there on YouTube. Rather than paying for online classes, many people find that YouTube is a free and simple way to learn a new skill.
According to a Pew Research survey, 51% of YouTube users learn new skills watching YouTube videos. This makes sense because YouTubers make money when they get likes, subscriptions, and engagement, and they can increase these metrics by providing something of value. In addition, when you are busy learning something, you are likely to watch all of the videos by a specific YouTuber, so educational material on YouTube is mutually beneficial to the YouTuber and the audience.
However, with so many videos on YouTube, it is easy to get sidetracked. For example, you can feel like you want to learn how to do vocal exercises, such as fixing your sink. You may begin by watching a video or two, but YouTube will suggest related topics or other teachers and throw you off.
Therefore, to truly benefit from YouTube educational material, it is helpful to take a systematic approach and follow these steps.
- Get an Overview of a Subject
- Select a Teacher
- Learn in Small Bites
- Interact with YouTube Teacher
- Practice, Rewatch, Practice Again
- Mastery–Is Your Own Channel Next?
Get an Overview of the Subject. Before binge-watching, all of the videos by a certain YouTuber, decide whether you want to learn the skill or not. Otherwise, you will be wasting yet more time on YouTube. Instead, do a Google search and read articles. Ask yourself, do I want to learn the guitar? Do I want to fix my sink rather than hire an affordable repair person? Take some time to read, think it over, and then decide whether or not you want to learn a skill.
You should also research how much time it takes to become proficient and any risks or possible injuries that result. The YouTuber may make a hyped-up claim that you can learn a language in 20 minutes when the reality is that you may just be able to master a few words and phrases. Of course, you will have to review the material, if it is a language or playing a musical instrument.
If you are doing an exercise video, think about the risk of injuries and contact a physician. Also, be careful of potentially dangerous DIYs you are not prepared for, such as electrical repair.
Select a Teacher. Once you have decided to learn a skill, dozens or even hundreds of YouTubers may claim to teach it. This is where Google can be your friend again. Some online publications have listicles about the best YouTube teachers. Look for reviews and see which YouTubers are responsive and good at teaching.
Learn in Small Bites. The advantage of learning a skill on YouTube is that it is well suited to learning in small bites. That is ideal for a language or a musical instrument; however, if you are learning how to repair something or make a cake, it’s a good idea to preview the whole video before attempting it.
Interact with YouTube Teacher. Most YouTubers say they are open to suggestions. First, see which ones are the most responsive. Then, look at the comments section and see if the YouTuber answers. For interactive learning, choose these YouTubers first.
Watch, Practice, Rewatch. If you are learning a skill, you will want to watch the YouTube video, practice, and watch it again. You can slow down the video if you watch it more carefully or use replay features to make this easier.
Mastery–Is Your Own Channel Next? YouTube lessons can be just the beginning. You could become so skilled that you can transcend your teacher and come up with your own YouTube Channel!
You Can Learn A lot From YouTube
YouTube is a significant learning resource if it is used wisely. Taking a systematic approach is the best way to benefit from YouTube. Choose the right teacher, interact, watch and practice and soon you will develop a new skill.
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