Hemp and CBD have been around for a while, yet the difference between the two is often poorly understood. You might think they’re nearly the same thing, but the effects of each on the body are drastically different.
In this piece, we will explain the differences of each product and their effect on your wellness; this way, you can make an educated decision on which is right for you.
What is the Difference Between the Two?
Both products come from the hemp plant, so how are they different? The answer to what makes CBD gummies vs hemp gummies is where the oils are extracted.
CBD gummies’ main ingredient is CBD oil, extracted from the hemp plant’s leaves, stems, and flowers. On the contrary, hemp gummies’ main ingredient is hemp seed oil, which can only be extracted from the hemp seed itself.
While it’s all well and good to know where the ingredients come from, it doesn’t mean much if you don’t understand the different effects each has on the human body.
CBD oil and gummies offer therapeutic benefits such as better sleep, pain relief, and lower blood pressure. The health benefits of CBD far outweigh that of their hemp-derived counterparts.
Hemp gummies also offer some health benefits, but they do not contain the same ability as CBD does in positive wellness. In addition, the hemp seed oil is often used in other products like lotions and shampoo as a rejuvenation product.
To utilize the full array of therapeutic benefits, you’ll want to be sure the product you select is derived from CBD oil, not hemp.
How to Choose Which Gummy is Right for You
Now that we have explained the key differences between the two gummies, we need to dive into selecting which product is the right fit for the benefits you’re looking to gain from the gummies.
As previously mentioned, hemp seed oil gummies do not contain any CBD, where CBD gummies get their therapeutic attributes. However, hemp gummies provide some skincare-related health benefits, as they are nutritious and have anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp gummies would be most effective at treating acne or psoriasis, which is why you find the oil in many skincare products.
On the other hand, CBD oil has been shown to provide a vast array of wellness attributes both biologically and mentally. For example, CBD gummies can promote better sleep, reduce anxiety and depression, and lower blood pressure.
In addition to the above, CBD is even being used as an ingredient at an FDA-approved level to treat some forms of epilepsy.
CBD gummies are also now being mixed with other precious vitamins and supplements. For example, you can find gummies infused with melatonin, turmeric and spirulina, apple cider vinegar, and more. When mixed, the health benefits are wide-ranging.
Cost Difference
Ok, so we’ve dialed in the specific differences between CBD gummies and hemp gummies, now we need to talk about the cost considerations between the two.
Hemp seed oil-derived products are much more affordable for apparent reasons. However, they do not contain the myriad of benefits that CBD oil-based products offer, in addition to the fact that extracting the oil is a more straightforward process.
You might find some sellers claiming that their product is a CBD product and selling it cheaply when in reality, it contains hemp seed oil, and you’ll not receive any of the same effects of a true CBD gummy.
On the flip side, CBD gummies can often be a bit pricy. A good rule of thumb is that CBD should cost somewhere between $0.05 and $0.20 per gram, provided it is a broad-spectrum extract.
The bottom line on cost is that you get what you pay for. So make sure to do your research and read the ingredients on the bottle before making any purchasing decisions. Additionally, online retailers such as Amazon do not currently allow the sale of true CBD gummies, so beware of what you’re purchasing.
While CBD and hemp products are readily available for the masses, they aren’t necessarily alike. Therefore, any person should take a closer look at the products they are considering and the ailments they are looking to treat before buying.
Hopefully, this piece has helped steer your decision in the right direction, and you can find a product that gives you the relief you need.
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